Sometime in the past, I went through a horrible breakup. It was devastating and for a time, I got stuck in that moment. I couldn’t move on, I lacked the will and determination to. My intimacy with the Lord diminished because I was investing my emotions, time and thoughts in reminiscing about something I didn’t have any more, instead of surrendering myself completely to Jesus.

One night in the state of my brokenness, the Lord visited me in a dream. I was reminded of promise to always follow the Lord. I woke up knowing without a doubt that the Lord was speaking to me; I decided to surrender myself to the Lord and ask Him for help to move on. Since that day, my life has never been the same as the Lord showed Himself to be faithful. The Lord swooped me in His love, He gave me satisfaction, He opened my eyes to see the beauty of trusting in Him.

In the book of Mark 4:35-36, Jesus commanded his disciples to “GO OVER TO THE OTHER SIDE.” And as they went, they took Him along, just as He was in the boat. Obeying the voice of God, takes us to another realm; the realm of faith where everything is possible and the Power/Glory of the Lord is made manifest. As a child of God, you need to always be conscious of His presence in your life. He was there in your past and He is still there in your present and future. Jesus is the word of God made manifest, it is Him who carries you over to the other side, but you must be willing to MOVE. A way of showing your willingness to move is by leaving your crowd behind. No one can see clearly through a crowd. When we walk with our crowd every day, it clouds and blinds our vision to see what the Lord has prepared for us. Isaiah 43:19 says “Behold I begin a new thing, now it springs forth, do you not see it?” 1Corinth 2.9, also talks about the wonderful things God has prepared for you and I, BUT we need to see it and reach out for it in order to possess it.

In Deuteronomy 1: 6-8; the Lord told the Israelites that they had stayed long enough on Mount Horeb. He then commanded them to “GO” into all the neighbouring peoples, as far as the Euphrates and take possession of the Land He swore to give to their Fathers. Moving on is one sure way of possessing Gods promises for your Life.

Benefits of Moving On

·       Entering Gods rest

·       Having a deeper intimacy with God

·       Spiritual growth because of obedience

·       Divine Intervention

·       Experiencing a manifestation of Gods power and Glory

·       Possessing Gods promises because of faith and patience.

One mistake many of Gods children make is looking back after they had decided to walk with the Lord. They think about the things they had lost, things they wished they had, sacrifices they had made, what their life would have been like; at the end of the day, they become disqualified, just like Lots wife who turned into a pillar of salt when she looked back in disobedience. Jesus said in Luke 9:62 “No one who puts his hand to the plough and looks back is fit for service in the Kingdom of God.”

Do not let fear, pain, unforgiveness or unbelief hold you back from moving into your promised land, rest your eyes upon the Lord and watch Him be the light unto your paths. Amen.




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